Panel Based

Panel systems remain the most common way to build workstations, and for good reason, especially in light of the pandemic and need for greater separation between people. Unlike some cubicle systems, our panel systems have been updated to have sleek, modern looks. They do a great job of dividing space, with heights ranging from 30” up to 84” or even higher, they handle power and data effectively, and often help to absorb sound. Each of our panel systems has its own set of capabilities, but they fall into two main categories, which we call monolithic (one complete pre-built panel) and frame and tile (a steel structure with interchangeable, modular skins). The modular skins approach makes it possible to replace stained or damaged fabric tiles over time as well as change fabric, add integrated white boards or glass tiles, add power at different heights, etc. The steel structure creates a hollow cavity capable of handling large quantities of data cables, so longer runs of stations with redundant cables per station are often best served with this construction.